Message all your customers with one click!
Is YOUR business missing out on the mobile revolution?
- Yellow pages are dead
- Email marketing is useless due to all the spam people receive
- Print ads are EXPENSIVE!
Mobile marketing is THE cheapest, most effective method of advertising available today and is here to stay!
How many customers are you missing out on by not being mobile-ready? How would you like to send out a mobile offer to your customer base instantaneously at the click of a button… any time you want? Business a little slow today? Send out a “today only” special to your customers. Got a sale coming up? Notify your customers instantly! Are you starting to see the potential? Contact ALL of your customers in seconds with mobile SMS marketing!

SMS marketing converts better than ANY other form of marketing. Period.

Instant Contact
Text messaging is one of the latest crazes to hit the world of mobile marketing, and it’s spreading like wild fire for good reason: it is cheap, easy, and highly effective.
If your business has not yet incorporated text message marketing into its business plan, it should be! Business slow today? Let all your customers know of a special… instantly.
Provide Value
Don’t make the mistake of bombarding your customers with promotional message after promotional message. Otherwise, you risk seeing them opt out as quickly as they opted in.
Make sure you are offering them something of value. Coupons and specials are great way to reward those who opt-in to get your text messages.

Keep It Simple
When it comes to text message marketing, short and sweet is a good rule of thumb.
Remember that mobile phone users don’t like to scroll, and they are generally on the go while reading their texts. Get to the point, and quick.