Have Your App Made for iOS, Android, Windows or All Three!
There's an app for that!
There is no other way to market to customers and attract new customers in the mobile environment than by creating a great app for them to take advantage of, especially when you consider that apps will hold a user’s attention longer than a typical website will because it is much easier to click away from a website while an app offers more interaction.
Having a branded mobile app gives your business the opportunity to stand out from the competition, have something new and exciting to use for marketing and advertising goals, retain current customers and attract new customers. The type of the app you create for your business can be pretty much anything that your customers would find relevant and the more entertainment, fun and value you put into it, the more popular it will be, the more people will want to download and use it, the more they will talk about it, and the more successful your business will become.

This makes an app exponentially more valuable than any other type of marketing or advertising you can do in the mobile marketplace. What else is incredible about creating an app is that after the initial investment, the app can continue to market on its own for free when it’s uploaded to Android Apps or iTunes Apps for Apple.
The value of creating an app is just as valuable whether you are a B2B or B2C company. You can make use of mobile device features such as GPS, click to call or click to text options and the multimedia functions that allow you to include video and audio into your app if you so choose. In fact the best apps will include the highest sensory value combined with an easy to use and navigate interface.
Time Spent
90% of user's time on a mobile device is spent using apps
Push Notifications

App Messaging
Another valuable app feature that can be utilized is call push notifications. Push notifications let your application notify a user of new messages or events even when the user is not actively using your application. On Android devices, when a device receives a push notification, your application's icon and a message appear in the status bar. Notifications are similar for iOS. This is HUGE!